Tasik Raban or also known as Dataran Tasik Raban, located in the small town of Raban, near the town of Sauk, about 34 kilometers from Kuala Kangsar. Lenggong is about 45 kilometers from Kuala Kangsar while from Lenggong to Gerik…
Tag: perakattraction
Casuarina Sini-Drive
Perak has launched the first drive-in cinema in the country, known as the Casuarina Sini-Drive here.Located in Downtown Meru, the cinema can accommodate up to 70 vehicles at any one time. The Casuarina Sini-Drive will screen films of various genres…
Bird Watching Spots, Perak
Want to have a break from your busy life? Looking for a hobby that keeps you close to nature? Are you interested in Birds Watching?! If you seek toobserve birds in its natural habitat or their improvised habitat we have…
Want to have a break from your busy life? Looking for a hobby that keeps you close to nature? Are you interested in Birds Watching?! If you seek toobserve birds in its natural habitat or their improvised habitat we have…