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Triathletes Training Perak

Come join training and become stronger and healthier by training for triathlon. Triathlons requires the participants to swim, cycle and run to finish the race.

Below you’ll find the weekly training structure for the group and others that are bound to join. It will help develop us all for our goals moving forward even if your goal is just to be a healthier happier person.

These sessions start TOMORROW(4th March 2019) and here are some key points for the plan.

The track session is a key session for the week and will develop your run technique and leg speed, giving you tremendous pace awareness. The first session TOMORROW is an important session where your aerobic capacity (or your run VO2 max) will be tested. This can be done fairly accurately with a simple time trial and will provide paces which will really help each training phase. If you do own a pace watch PLEASE wear it to each session and your paces will be monitored using a simple test tomorrow. We meet at the polo ground run track (around the pond) at 7am sharp for a 1 hour session.

Polo Ground
Photo credit:

Swim sessions are just two 1 hour sessions per week, we should swim more than this and we eventually will, but please attend these two sessions if possible and use the techniques learnt in your own sessions. Just pay your public entry fee at 8am to access the outside MBI pool, PLEASE bring Fins, Paddles, Pull Buoy and kick board if you have them and if you do not PLEASE purchase them as you will not be able to participate in valuable drills without them! Head to the pool as quickly as possible so we can get in and secure a centre section of the pool in what is a public session.

Pool Buoy for balance
Photo Credit:
Kellie’s Castle
Photo credit:

Kelly’s Castle TT on Tuesday nights is both fun and a very valuable session we will meet at the Sri Maha Mariamman Hindu Temple next to Kellies Castle I have agreed parking here for all our participants, but please kindly make a donation at the box inside the temple to show our appreciation for accepting us! These sessions WILL build speed and develop your threshold power through the season, I can give you pointers on this, but the fun bit is that all results will be entered onto a league table to provide end of year results which will result in prizes and awards for the most improved and fasted riders as well as some fun awards as well! The league table will be updated and published after each Tuesday evening session.

Photo Credit:

All other sessions are group runs or bike rides where there is no specific coaching but we will work as a team and improve together sharing experience and advice.

You may notice there is a Junior bike skills session which Dave Spence has kindly agreed to run, this still needs final agreement but will be a great session for bike development and to be both fun and beneficial which it’s bound to be!!

Interim Sessions

• Track session – Monday 7am (Polo ground or 200m track TBC)

• Swim set – Tuesdays 8am (MBI public pool)

• Kelly’s castle Cycling TT – Tuesdays 6pm (Sri Maha Mariamman Temple)

• Run Easy – Wednesday 7am (Polo grounds park)

• Bike group – Thursday 6.30am (Tambun McDonalds)

• Swim set – Friday 8am (MBI public pool)

• Long Bike ride – Saturday 7am (Public Bank Simpang Pulai)

• Junior Bike skills – Saturday 5.30pm (location TBC)

For more information or question please contact:


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