Pelantikan Duta Dan Konvoi Pelancongan Dari Seluruh Daerah

Datuk AC Mizal was appointed ambassador of Visit Perak Year 2012 and was given the task of promoting tourism for the state, which targets around five million tourists this year.

And over 3,000 young people representing 15 local authorities (PBT) in Perak was also appointed as ambassadors in their respective regions to promote the Visit Perak 2012.

Unfortunately for me, I couldn’t stay too long for the whole ceremony, but I do have some pictures and videos that I’d like to share.

The Crowd..

Tourist convoys from 15 Districts..
Warm Welcome..
Cheering Crowd..

Visit Perak 2012 Theme Song Video

Dato Hamidah giving a speech to the crowd..

Here my last Video, Visit Perak Official Commercial By Perak Tourism.. Enjoy!

Pelantikan Duta Dan Konvoi Pelancongan Dari Seluruh Daerah

Date : 24th January 2012
Time : 2pm – 6pm
Venue : Stadium Indera Mulia

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