Tamilar Yeluchi Villa was organised by the World Tamilar Protection Secretariat with the support of MIC (Malaysian Indian Congress) and Sahabat Perak on 2nd May 2021 at Sungai Siput, Perak.
About 400 people attended the lively event. Extraordinary and knowledgeable speeches were given by Mr. N. Tharmalinganar, Mr. Balamurugan, Mr. Thirchelvanaar and Mr. Murugaiya about the spirit of being Tamilars.

There were outstanding performances from traditional dancers and traditional martial arts that took the stage by storm.

This event focuses on six main theories of Tamilar; Tamilar Nation, Tamil Language, Tamilar race, Tamilar culture, Tamilar Religion and Tamilar Festival.
Tamilar Nation
Ancient Tamilar nation was formed at Kumari Continent (Kumarikandam). The continent was sunk into the sea after a massive disaster.
Tamil Language
Tamil Language existed B.C 5000 and one of the oldest languages in the world. 81 millions people speak Tamil as their mother tongue and 9 millions speak it as their second language.
Tamilar Race
5.9% of the population in India are Tamilar concentrated mainly in Tamil Nadu, 15% in Sri Lanka,10% in Mauritius, 7% in Malaysia and 5% in Singapore.
Tamil Culture
Is the arts and way of life. Such as food, clothes, music, dance and practices.
Tamilar Religion
Long ago, ancient Tamilar worshipped nature. In the course of time, Tamilar started to adobe different beliefs and practices.
Tamilar Festival
The most celebrated festivals are Pongal, Tamil New Year, Tamil Mozhi Ikiyar Nal, Thenpulathaar Nal, Thirukutta Marabinar Nal, Tamil Mavirar Nal and so on.
You can check out the links below to watch the full events.
FB :- https://www.facebook.com/TamilarVillaMalaysia/videos/488751685603724/
YouTube :- https://youtu.be/e-wdYCIuhKQ